Saturday, May 23, 2009

Jace's 1st haircut!!!!!!

Jace got his 1st haircut. He was not very happy about it at all, but he definately needed one. I can't believe that he is almost 2 and this is his 1st haircut...he has got some slow growin' hair.
This is the finished product.
He was hiding from the camera

So sad

He was pretty pleased with himself after it was all over.


Darla said...

Little Barry jr. is so cute! I love him hiding under the cape. What a funny little guy.

Tony and Karen said...

He looks so handsome! I had no idea that he had never had a haircut.

The Tophams said...

He is so cute! Don't you wish haircuts didn't have to be such a big deal? He looks very dashing!

Kim said...

those pictures of him are so cute! Love the spikey hair.

Michelle said...

What a cute little guy! I haven't seen you in a while...maybe this Thursday?!!

Tiff said...

he is so cute. I can't believe he is almost 2! Hope to see you soon.

Finlinson's said...

Jamie he is so adorable!! I can't believe your baby will be two. Where does the time go?!